4 Ways You Know It's Time To Hire In Your Network Marketing Business

How soon is too soon to hire for your team?


When it comes to adding members to your team, you want the timing to be perfect. Adding too soon could cripple your business if it isn’t ready to support additional payroll. Adding too late could allow the little details to go unattended and consequently, parts of your business to fall apart.


Never fear! We are here to help you walk through some questions to help answer your hiring needs!


1. Do you have too much work?


Obviously having work is a great thing! But there comes a point where you can’t handle the workload by yourself. 


If you find yourself working 12 hour days, day after day, just to get everything finished on time, you are working too much and too hard! After all, you started working for yourself to create freedom, not to become a slave to a new job. 

You have the work to support another person’s salary, so bring them on! 


2. Is there a task you just can’t do?


Let’s face it, you aren’t an expert in every field. You are an amazing entrepreneur, and a kickass human, but you can’t do it all!


If you have arrived at the point in your business where you need to complete certain tasks that are outside your expertise, it’s time to look for another expert!


It’s better to get the job done right than try and do it all yourself. You will save yourself hours of frustration, and your clients will be happy to have a product/service that has been created by the best!


3. Are little details falling through the cracks?


No matter what your business is, it is kept alive by happy customers/clients! Some of the best new business comes from personal referrals. 


People aren’t going to recommend you if the little details weren’t completed during their time with you. 


Maybe you were just 10 minutes late to a zoom call with a client, or maybe you forgot to include a small part of an order. Those little mess-ups are fine until they start to add up. You won’t earn repeat customers or referrals if you don’t have excellent service. 


To ensure every “i” is dotted, and every “t” is crossed, consider adding to your team!


4. Are you majoring on the majors, and minoring on the minors? 


You are the mastermind and genius behind your business. Without you, your company doesn’t exist. 


Keeping that in mind, you should probably consider what parts of your job are worth your time and where it might be better spent if you could delegate! Hiring someone to do the essential but not-best-use-of-your-time tasks will free you up to do the heavy lifting!


Interfacing with clients, sales strategy, developing new systems, those are all areas where your expertise is vital! 


So… what are you thinking? Are you realizing it may be time to expand your team and make a hire?? 


We know it can be a little intimidating. But we know you are up for the task! You can be a great leader and boss and your business will thank you!


We’ve added to our team since we went into business for ourselves. We’ve made the scary leap, and you know what?!? It’s worked out pretty well!

Looking forward to helping you navigate this exciting part of entrepreneurship!

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