For those of us who are married, I think we can all agree it takes a bit of work. Coexisting with another human isn’t easy, but adding a work life into the mix takes it to a whole new level. You have to balance work, family, romance, and the household all within the four walls of your home.
If you are tackling this enormous task , then chances are you could use a bit of guidance, or just some encouragement knowing you aren’t alone!
Harold and I have been balancing work and marriage for over 6 years now, and while we aren’t experts, we have found there are some tricks to making this situation run smoothly. You are in luck, because I am going to share them with you today!!
This bit of advice applies to family life as well as work life. If both you and your spouse are working on the same tasks, you will have certain items overdone, and others forgotten.
We have found that there are specific tasks I enjoy...
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