I am no stranger to the valleys.
I have experienced a lot of grief in my personal life, which has taught me a thing or two about how to deal. I’ve also learned that a valley has more to do with your emotional response than it does with what you are actually experiencing.
If you choose, you may stay in a valley for weeks, months, or even years. You can allow a valley to stretch into a season of life and eventually into what defines you as a person.
Don’t worry; there is another option. You can gain control of your emotions and healthily work through the valley.
In my second year of college, life was rocking and rolling. I was working as a personal trainer, had just earned a scholarship, and was in a relationship with Harold. Everything was seemingly great, until a valley opened up in front of me.
I lost my brother Jason.
With no true understanding of how to process the emotions that came with this loss, I shut down.
It wasn’t long before I had lost my job, lost my scholarship, and was on the brink of losing Harold. I buried my grief rather than dealing with it head-on, and it ate me up from the inside out.
I don’t know many people who wouldn’t sympathize with me at the loss of a brother. It’s understandable and expected to have an emotional response. What isn’t reasonable is letting those emotions overtake and dictate the rest of your life. There comes a point when you have to rein in and process your emotions so you can let them go.
Years later, once Harold and I were married and we had two beautiful daughters, my mother became ill and passed away. Another valley in life opened up before me. I knew how negatively my reaction to losing Jason had been on my life, and I didn’t want to make the same mistakes.
Don’t get me wrong. I felt the loss just as deeply as I did when Jason passed, but I didn’t allow the emotion of grief take me out of life. When sadness overcame me and I struggled to care for our daughters, I got up and did it anyway. When clients and coaches gave me an out for showing up, I was present because being with them was a highlight for me.
Losing my mother devastated me, but it didn’t break me.
Fast forward again, and I was pregnant with our son. Towards the end of my term, I lost a sister to substance abuse. Faced with the reality that my sister would never meet my son, I knew I had a choice. I could fight my natural inclination to shut down as I had when Jason passed, or I could process my grief in a healthy way like I had the passing of my mother.
I’m so grateful for what I learned over the years. I’m thankful that when a few months later, I lost another sister, I was able to once again process in a healthy manner. I’m a better person for it. I’m a better wife, mother, sister, friend, and business owner because I learned that valleys don’t have to be forever.
I hope you are encouraged and empowered with the knowledge that you too, can walk out of your valley. You can overcome the emotional response to what life throws at you.
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