I am told this a lot as I am often surrounded by mompreneurs crushing it in business and in life, but still feeling like they want to do MORE!
Unfortunately, you can't add more hours in a day (trust me, I've looked into it *wink*) so my question in response is...
There are two ways of waking up. One where you say, “Good God it’s morning...” **insert hitting snooze a few times here** The other where you wake up saying “Good morning, God!" followed by a smile and immediately rising out of bed.
Okay, realistically, there are a few other ways of waking up that fall inbetween those two extremes, but this can help you see where you fall on the morning person spectrum.
For night owls, the mornings can be hard and you don't really feel energized until closer to the evening. But that doesn't work well for those of us running households and businesses does it? We need energy during work hours AND for our family time, too!
That's why it's important to dial in your morning so that the BEST of you isn't reserved for the end of the day when no one really can benefit as much.
The good news?!? Being a night owl can be reversed. I'm a testament to that and share more about that in my free magical morning routine guide.
How you START your day has a lot to do with how it continues. I have seen the impact of a positive morning in my life and done some serious leg work sharing a successful routine called the Magical Morning Routine for Mompreneurs!
I even created a free downloadable guide you can find here that includes my top 10 tips!
One of the tips talks about the importance of waking up before your kids.
I don’t think I have to speak too loudly when I say you can get so much more accomplished without your kids around. Almost everyone can agree on that!
But at the same time, a big reason why we become Mompreneurs is to spend MORE time with our kids. One great way to balance these two opposing ideas is to rise early before the kiddos make their appearance!
It may not be glamorous, but it sure is effective! Do you know how much can be done in the quiet calm of the hours between 5-7? A Lot!
Guess what? You can use this time to be productive in either your own self-care or in your business.
I would definitely recommend setting aside the first little bit of time to properly prep yourself for the day. Drink your coffee, read your devo, wash your face, and get dressed.
Where you go from there is totally up to you! Maybe you take off for the gym, maybe you open a book to read, or maybe you open the laptop to get a solid hour of work in.
Regardless of what your morning looks like on a granular level, you are ready to take on the day because you've started out strong taking care of YOU!! When the sound of your kids' feet running across the floor echoes through the house, you will be ready!
Conversely, waiting for your kids to wake you up could be a recipe for disaster. Honestly, it’s difficult not to be on edge if you have multiple pairs of eyes staring at you while you use the bathroom and brush your teeth.
Nothing says “good morning” like tripping over the kids in the kitchen while trying to pour your hot beverage of choice or stumbling over toys as you try to pull on clothes (that are hopefully clean).
If simply reading that last little bit raises your blood pressure, it’s time to take charge of your mornings!
If good mornings start early, it’s safe to say early nights are equally important! I am 100% inclined to be a night owl, but as I have recognized the importance of an early morning start, I reprogrammed my evenings as well! A good night’s sleep is essential to my good morning so I try to retire at a reasonable time!
You want to be successful, and we want that for you too! But before you start getting too carried away with establishing multiple success habits in your day, you have to start with your morning.
I promise you'll see a ripple effect that's worth your while, so what are you waiting for?
Check out my Magical Morning for Mompreneurs guide here. Trust me, if you thought this one tip was helpful, you are going to want to learn the other 9!!
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