You’ve made up your mind, you’re ready to kiss that J-O-B “bye, bye, bye”. You’ve gotten a vision and a taste of Freedom and you want more. I get it. We can recall that awesome day so clearly…
The day we knew exactly what we wanted and our current job wasn’t in that picture. But, before you call your boss and say “see ya’”, or put the “closed” sign on the door permanently or sell your current business; there are a few things to get in order first.
We are going to work you from the ULTIMATE goal, the big picture, down to what needs to happen today in order to create what you want to create. Then, you can see where you’re at in this timeline to see what your next steps are:
Ok, so this seems obvious, but many people have a difficult time being patient and managing juggling two careers at once. So, the easiest thing is to just let one go and why not the one you don’t want to do anymore, right? Here’s why…remember you’ve got bills and likely mouths to feed…
Although your current job may not be your dream job, you have to stop and give gratitude that it is providing and you also have a back up plan. Replacing what you’re currently earning is the logical sign that you no longer need your other job because your dream job is providing all your needs…
If you have done this, your next step is simple, pick up the phone, call your boss, and repeat after me…”I quit.” If you haven’t achieved this step, keep reading.
What rank do you need to achieve to earn your replacement income? Talk to your closest business mentor/leader and ask them what are the average time frames in which people have accomplished these milestones. What skills/assets did they bring to the table (circles of influence, professional skills, business skills)???
This is important because it will provide you a list of things to accomplish (stepping stones) or areas you already possess but may not be utilizing effectively and if you have those things poised and ready to go in order to accomplish your goal within similar time frames…
Having a realistic time frame for where you are currently is the ideal way to set a benchmark for accomplishment which will prepare you physically and emotionally for the length of your race. Think about it, knowing where the finish line is at is incredible motivation to keep your feet moving even when at times you might feel exhausted.
If you are working on replacing two incomes, like we were, it is best to break your income (and freedom goal) into chunks. Our first goal was to earn enough income so I only had to work 3 days a week, and then 2 days a week and then eventually none…
We knew we both wanted to be Free together, but that was going to take time…
To stay motivated and not so overwhelmed by the goal, we decided to make my “work from home mommy” dream come true first.
We went back to #6 above and figured those things out for that goal too.
Scattered minds get scattered results and if you have no clear priorities, circumstances will take priority over your goals.Whether you’re a stay-at-home mom or dad, working part time or full time…you have already filled your plate with lots and lots to do. Your days are set whether you’re intentional about it or not, you have a routine and you have expenses. I can guarantee you, there’s a lot of excess too.
I want you to reflect for a moment of what you want to create with your network marketing business….Done? Ok, I bet it’s pretty unique. I bet you don’t know many people who are living this kind of life you desire do you? So why then are you so committed to the habits and expenses of people who are not awakened to creating the life of their dreams?
If you’re a stay-at-home mom or dad, this is going to mean you will need to re-train and re-frame your mindset. As a full time parent, the norm is that laundry, dishes, kids activities, cleaning the house, watching your favorite tv show (or even zoning out to the kids shows) and other domestic things are on the top of your daily to do list. The same goes for someone working full or part-time outside their #sidehustle…
There will be times that you will have to just “let it go”. Sometimes we spend more time worrying about daily things that will never go away and let it rob us of small windows of opportunity to sow seeds of greatness and growth. Now, don’t go tell your spouse that we said you don’t have to clean anymore. I’m all for a tidy home..
In fact, it’s great for thinking and working. But, if you’re always avoiding or putting off tasks that can grow your business because of the same excuse, it’s time for a reality check.
Then there’s getting lean in your finances. Eventually I hope you get into a season where you realize that the extra car note, the cable bill, eating out excessively, shopping unnecessarily or what may be, is just not filling your cup. They are convenient distractions and momentary rushes or easy mind numbing delusions…
I dare you, cut off your cable and turn on podcasts and read books, switch eating out for learning to cook new recipes at home and include the kids, trade movies for family game nights, and if you can, try going with one car and spend extra time coordinating schedules with your spouse.
You’ll get super clear on just how much time and resources you have to build your business and may even be able to quit your job sooner than you think! This was one of the happiest seasons of our lives and we lived with much less than we thought we needed.
This is the age old art of time blocking, but for us being that our children were our top priority, we knew we had to be very precise about our “hours of operation”. Steven Covey taught about the skill of bullding your daily schedule according to your biggest priorities first. That means you need to know what is the most important time for you and your spouse each day (time spend making actual connection, not just watching TV), time for your faith, time for your children and time growing your business…
It’s simple to create those sacred spaces for those other things: faith – prayer/scripture time in the morning, spouse – drinking a cup of coffee/tea together while talking, kids – uninterrupted breakfast/dinner time, play and bedtime routine. But what about your business?
What actions take daily precedence over the many tasks one could do that seem like work?
In Network Marketing it will boil down to these three things: Prospecting (this is more about relationships than cold calling), Presenting (whether its one person or many. Live, virtual, or over the phone.) and Follow up.
Depending on what company you join, the way you execute these tasks may look different, however this is the key to growth. Do these actions consistently and daily even and watch your business grow.
Have you ever seen the movie “Meet the Fockers”? If so you’ll know exactly what I mean by the “circle of trust”. In Network Marketing, you’re either in the circle of trust with the people you know and who know you or you’re not. And, this is just as important because Network Marketing is a numbers game, how many people do you know? And, do they like you?
You see, eventually, if you just keep turning the cards without giving up, you will turn over all Aces. But you must continue to keep the cards in your hand. Now, don’t get bummed if you’re not well connected or even if you haven’t always been the most friendly…
In fact, this is one of the skills I love the most about our industry! It’s the ability to meet fun, interesting, like minded people and learn to have no other agenda than the curiosity of the unknown…
To care enough about going to church, volunteering at your Child’s school, or going to that birthday party because you just might meet a really cool person and have the opportunity to engage in a great conversation…
If it’s meant to be, you might be able to help them somewhere down the line. With technology today and facebook acting as the ultimate address book, you will never lose touch!
How bad do you want to change your life and pay it forward?
If you want it bad enough, start learning how to be a kind, friendly and genuine person that wants to bring back simple pleasantries like, “Hello! How are you doing today?”…
Ask questions. Give compliments. Be sincere. Be on purpose. Leave no man behind.
I want you to picture Rocky here dancing at the top of those stairs, punching the air, incredibly excited about life and potential. Each and every day you wake up with your business and your future on your mind AND you take action towards that future…that is a VICTORY!
And, a victory demands to be celebrated and noticed. If you don’t get into the habit of patting yourself on the back for every little thing you’ve done right… then very quickly you will get into the habit of noticing every little thing you did wrong. And you will feel crummy…
Guess what, people don’t like to feel like poo-poo. They want to feel good or they quit the thing that makes them feel bad eventually and that thing is just you getting in your own way in reality…
Look…I want you to listen to me VERY clearly right now…seriously, you need to soak this up…
You will have days, weeks, and maybe even months where you may not see significant growth in your numbers, your team or your earnings. This business is about the compound effect and that means you start small and consistent action adds up over time. If you quit now, you will never see the big huge BOOM that your momentum will create. You will never get to pick up the phone and say “Felicia OUT!”…
And…you will miss out on cashing in on one of the BEST bonuses of this industry..
The ability to look at the glass as half full and become an optimistic person.
So, you better get into the habit now of giving yourself some grace and space, #gracespace, to grow and loving yourself to be brave enough to take action. Celebrate that action and the results that cannot be measured in your back office because eventually they will be represented by massive business growth.
I don’t know where we would be today had it not been for the wise, kind, successful people in our lives that poured into us. Honestly, that thought is just scary so I won’t even go there. In our lives, we all have a chance to be humble and hungry and to seek those who can help give us answers because…
They have walked the walk, not just talked the talk. Their lives and their knowledge are pure credibility that THEY have the secret sauce, the golden ticket, the path, or the recipe…NO…the precise ingredients you need to create the masterpiece you want to create. And, that recipe is Scrumptious!
I’m going to be very blunt. You do not know what you need to know, right now, in order to create what you want to create.BUT, someone else does.
You should look first within your company, Who is the closest person in your line that has achieved the top rank of your company? Do not stop until you find them. And do not stop until you get their attention…
Remember as you do this that actions, my friends, speak louder than words. Your mentors want to see if you will accept the beginner level of mentorship first. Do you attend every event (mentorship) and are you on all trainings (live or virtual) that are offered to you? They can’t help you until you help yourself. And you wont’ be able to quit your job because guess what, they have the ingredients remember…
Then, there are the mentors you may never meet. These may be other people who were successful in Network Marketing but moved on to coach the Industry as a whole. Or it might be some of my favorites, authors of personal development, leadership, and business books and motivational speakers and pastors…
Are you willing to soak up years and years of wisdom and success that someone else was willing to take their time to put in a condensed format that could be digested in a few hours for a few dollars?
It’s not difficult and it might not even seem that important to you now, but I guarantee you, if you trust me and just become a student of successful people, you will see that all leaders are in fact readers( and habitual students). Take heart my friend, you can be a leader too…
Download a podcast, read a book, get an audio book, hop on your company trainings, fly or drive to an event, and reach out to a mentor in your company. This here alone, will change your life. Pour your wallet into your mind and one day your mind will pour into you wallet…
Well there it is my friends, our tried and true beginner’s formula to moving along the path to making your Network Marketing business your full time gig and quitting your job!
You’re either going to tell yourself, “Yea, yea, I’ve heard this before. Nothing new here.” And go on your merry way staying complacent and confused as to why your network marketing business is not growing. But I sincerely hope not, being as we’ve been there and done it, I can tell you it works if you work it…
I hope you put it to use and stay diligent. We would love to hear your stories, your progress and your questions because we are committed to helping your create the Freedom your desire and joining #TheFreedomParent club!
Yours in Health, Hope and Freedom,
Harold and Sam Prestenbach
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